Reserve your place in our fabulous villa in Cannes. Just 11 places per week. If enough people sign up we will do weeks 2 but first weeks definitely.
Enjoy all that Cannes has to offer in the safe and supportive atmosphere of our women only villa. Available Sat May 17 to Thursday May 22 (6 nights)
Including breakfast and a soiree party for Creative Queens
Rooms are shared so it's good to come with a friend,.
Some rooms will be double bed - best for friends but we will pair up single people, (own beds) or pay for a room to your self at £2,450.
There will be no men allowed to stay at the villa.
The emphisis is on business and making connections.
Of course partying is fun too and we can let you know all the parties and many talks available.
We may be co hosting or partnering for a larger villa party but more news to follow.
Limited spaces- approx £200 a night plus travel and tickets in, plus maybe AmPav membership. Prices soar in Cannes during festival week but by getting in early we hope to get a little discount.
Payment in installments of £650 now and £650 by April 4. Pay in one go for £1250 Week 1 or Week 2.
You may also like to visit Provence and Grasse the perfume making area whilst here as well as do film things. The beach and marina are off La Croisette close to where all the action takes place. Beautiful shops and restaurants all nearby.
Very approx prices:
6 nights at the villa £1250
Ticket in from £50 daily to £460 for all areas for the duration
Screenings are free (more later)
Am Pav membership £120
Travel from £150 return from UK - early doors
Coach transfer from airport to Cannes approx £18
Food and drink - maybe £25-30 a day max because breakfast is provided and left overs can be snacked on
and there are loads of free drinks, coffees at different venues
and free food at the parties and happy hour pavilions.
Buses are free during the festival
Worldwide members welcome. Please note the villa pictured may not be the villa we end up with but we are going for luxury and vicinity.
6 nights bed and breakfast at the villa May 16-22, 2025
6 nights bed and breakfast 17-22 May, 2025
Don't Sit On It, Sell It. Many film mskers have valuable income in the form of unsold short films sitting on their hard drives. Learn how to monetise and sell your short films. Perhaps you dont know that there are distributors snd sales agents that specialise in selling your short film.For example in France if you caption your film and it's under 8 minutes they have a system that a short film goes before major features in the cinema. This is just one way to get your film out there. Or perhaps it may be suitable to use it to raise money for your next feature. How do you do that? JUST £5.00
Crowdfunding is an art. Don't be one of the people who does not prepare and just sticks it on their facebook page and hopes for the best. Sharing on social media alone will not bring in everything you dream of. Our method will!
JUST £5.00
What is crowdsourcing? How can it help you? It can facilitate your film with hardly any cash input and we will show you how.
JUST £5.00
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